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Felt for schools

If you're considering felt making with your students give us a call and  we can post your fibres before invoicing you. All we require is an order number and an email for billing.


Drop Spindles

A drop spindle in this style is also known as a top whorl spindle or suspended spindle. For beginners we recommend a drop spindle of between 35g and 40g. Beyond that, just pick which one you like the look of best. Heavier spindles can be good for plying your yarn. Drop spinning is sometimes referred to as free spindle spinning as the spinner was free to walk about whilst spinning.

Drop Spindle Spinning Kit
Drop Spindle Spinning Kit
Qty Available: 9

British breeds Drop spindle - 24g - Hawthorn
Drop spindle - 24g - Hawthorn
Qty Available: 0

No more stock expected

British breeds Drop spindle - 35-40g - Oak
Drop spindle - 35-40g - Oak
Qty Available: 13

British breeds Drop spindle - 36g - Oak
Drop spindle - 36g - Oak
Qty Available: 1