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Twist Gauge

British breeds Twist Gauge
Click to enlarge

Price: £5.00
Quantity Available: 29
Item Code: EQ033

The twist or TPIgauge is easy to use and has a handy hole to allow you to hang it on your wheel or loom.

To work out the twist per inch lay your yarn across the tool where the indentations are. Count the number of twists in the yarn between the 0 and 2" markers and divide by two to get your twist per inch measurement. It gives a more accurate measurement to do it across two rather than one inch especially when working with thicker yarns.

To measure twist angle, lay your yarn across the card vertically and match the twist to the closest twist angle line. Things that can be used to help see twist angles are strong light, a magnifying glass and a double-pointed needle or a tapestry needles to help follow the twist in the yarn.

You can use twists per inch or TPI whilst plying to ensure you're keeping ply twist consistent.